
According to Merriam- Webster Gratitude is defined as “a feeling of appreciation or thanks”.

Gratitude is a very simple concept and something most people are taught at a very young age. Yet, how come as we get older we seem to encounter it less and less? I read a fabulous article this past week The Power of Gratitude by Andria Corso. The main idea of the article was simply you get what you give. Andria basically summed the article up by saying

“Therefore, being kind and loving will bring that back to you, as will being angry and frustrated. The more angry and frustrated you are, the more you experience things around you that are frustrating and make you angry. The more kind and loving you are, the more you get back experiences that include kindness and love. If you think about it, I’m sure you’ll recognize how this concept plays out in your life.”

You will attract in life what you focus on. If you are always focusing on the negative in your personal and work life, guess what? You will attract a lot of negative in your life and who wants that? There is always a silver lining and if you think that, you will always be proved right. Andria suggested that every day you create a list of 5 things that you are grateful for. And this is a fantastic idea! If you think about it, how can you possibly have a bad day and create negative energy when you start the day off seeing that you have so much to be grateful for. Perhaps bring the list to work and leave it at your desk. When you are having one of those very stressful days, and you know we all have them, take a look at your list, close your eyes and think for a few seconds about all the positive in your life. These could be small things like I had time to grab my morning coffee or big things like the love of your family. Whatever they might be, know that appreciating them a little every day will create a better you!

Have a fantastic week and make sure to take a look at Andria’s article.


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