
Now that you know what to talk about it’s time to mention one of the most important aspects of networking, your body language. Bad body language can kill a conversation before it even starts.

They way you stand, the way you sit it all tells an audience so much about you. Learning to master you body language and effectively reading other’s body language is key to all social interactions.

When you are speaking with someone always keep an eye out for head nods, forward leans and eye contact. These things are called engagement actions. These are the actions you casually want to mirror. Smile like you mean it! A fake smile that is force and awkward can bring a conversation to a halt.

It is equally important to always keep an eye out for disagreement cues such as leaning back, frowning or looking away. If you notice these in your partner, it may be time to redirect the conversation. If these cues are still present it may be time to move on.

Standing too close to someone can kill a conversation before it even started. Distance is crucial in networking. Standing too close to someone can be an immediate turn off resulting in that person stepping back. Make sure you are at a distance that feels natural and comfortable.

There are so many nuances to body language. Amy Cuddy has a great TedTalk that will teach you even more. Make sure to check it out below!



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