
Bad behavior can become an epidemic if left unchecked.  Often when the boss walks by, everyone is on their best behavior.  Management is often unable to monitor negative behavior and this creates frustration with the offenders and other staff.

Be the Role Model:  In the infamous (and potentially misquoted) words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you want to see in the world”.  Everyone is a role model, not just management.  Be friendly, helpful and encouraging to colleagues. Praise and support positive behaviors and words from others.

Be Aware of the Policies:  Before becoming too upset about offensive words or behavior, check the employee handbook or with a human resources representative for verification of inappropriate words or actions.

Resolve the Conflict:  Attempt to resolve conflicts on a personal level.  Calmly talk with the offender.  Many times they are unaware that their actions are in poor taste or negatively impact others.  Be positive and not judgmental!  If your own efforts fail to alter the situation, seek assistance from your manager or human resources representative.

Remember, you don’t need to like everyone you work with, but you should be able to peacefully coexist!




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