
Last week we discussed planning and practicing. Here are a few more tips to help you become a more confident speaker.

Engage Your Audience – When speaking, try to engage your audience. This makes you feel less alone, as the speaker, and helps get your message across. You could ask leading questions or encourage your audience to participate with questions of their own. Pay attention to the words you use. Words like “just’ and “I think” fail to relay authority and conviction when used in sentences like, “I just want to say that I think we’ll meet our goals this year”. A word like “actually” can convey submissiveness and even surprise. Don’t use these unnecessary words. Be as clear and direct as possible.

Also, pay attention to how you’re speaking. Being nervous can make you talk quickly and will make it difficult for your audience to understand you or your message. Instead, take some deep breaths, slow down, and pause while you gather your thoughts. Pauses are a natural part of conversation and make you sound confident and authentic.

Body Language – Your body language will give your audience ongoing and subtle clues about your internal state. If you’re nervous or don’t believe in what you are saying, they’ll know. Pay attention by standing up straight, taking deep breaths, looking people in the eye, and smiling. Use gestures that feel natural to you and try not to hide behind a podium. This kind of movement and energy adds passion to your voice and to your message.

Incorporate these tips whenever you practice and we’ll have some final tips for you next week.

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