
For the past two weeks we’ve been sharing ideas to help you build confidence. These are habits that confident people develop and practice over and over. Confident people have a certain mentality that shows on the outside because of the work they do on the inside. Below are two more ideas.

It’s OK to be Wrong. It’s perfectly fine to give your opinion but don’t be afraid to be proven wrong. When you’re wrong, you learn a lot from others. When you’re right, others learn from you. Confident people don’t take things personally.

Celebrate Other’s Success. When a co-worker or friend is successful, be the first to offer praise. Confident people tend to focus on others and see all the wonderful things they offer. You have learned to find your self-worth and happiness from within so you don’t need to grab the spotlight. Let it shine on those around you.

Develop and practice these habits and watch your confidence soar.

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