
Last week we provided three tips to get you started on your own career map. Below are more ideas to include when working on this useful tool.

4-Go with the flow. While it’s good to have specific steps towards a goal, try to be open to life’s opportunities and changes. If following your map makes you unhappy or you find yourself too focused on meeting your goals (at the expense of living your life), then stop and reassess (see Tip #1). If you want to try something different or an opportunity takes you in a different direction, focus on what makes you happiest and at your best. Being flexible means you can tweak your map as needed.

5-It’s OK to include personal goals. Personal development goals can also be a part of your map. If earning your degree or learning a new language will be useful in your future, add it to the map. You can do the same with lifestyle goals. For example, if you want to get to a place in your career where you have time to train for a marathon, include it.

6- Review and reflect often. Your career map works best when you look at it often and reflect, making sure it’s still pointing you in the direction you want to go. There are many ways to create a map and keep it visible. (Written on paper? Stored on your phone or computer? On a vision board?) It’s up to you. What’s important is to make a habit of reviewing your map and either staying the course or making changes.

Creating a career map can be fun and insightful. It can be as detailed or as simple as you like. If you are feeling a little stuck in your job, or just unsure of where you’re headed, a career map can help you clarify meaningful goals and outline specific steps to meet them.

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