
During the lazy days of summer, when work is more on cruise control, you might start thinking about what’s next for your career. July is the perfect time to consider next steps because it isn’t typical end-of-the-year performance review time. You’re free to figure out what career success looks like and how you can reach the level you’re aiming for. Based on expert opinion and research, the following 3 traits indicate you’re on the path to career success.

1-You look for better ways to do things. You question the entrenched processes and ask if there are other ways to get things done. You are curious and unafraid to look at a problem from all angles, even if it ruffles a few feathers.

2-You have a vision for yourself. Many leaders credit visualization as a powerful technique in bringing success. Asking yourself questions like, “What does my ideal average day look like?” and “What kinds of people do I want to be meeting?” can help you build a meaningful career. Being able to visualize yourself achieving success goes a long way toward attaining it.

3-You appreciate the value of failure. Rather than looking at it as a setback, you view failure as a learning opportunity. Highly successful people are open to failure because it means they are trying something new.

Consider how these approaches might fuel your career success. Being curious and questioning, being able to visualize your own success, and becoming comfortable with failure are traits that can take your career to a new level of success, whatever that means to you.

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