
It is so easy for your work to be on your mind 24/7 and as a result you can often feel overwhelmed even when you aren’t physically at your job. You may feel like there is always something to do and it is hard to keep your head above the water. In this post, we will take a look at a few of the reasons why having a work life balance is key to both a happy work like and personal life.

It’s rare that someone actually only works 40 hours a week anymore. People are constantly working late or coming in early to catch up. And let’s be honest, so many of us are guilty of checking work emails on the weekend.

One of the main causes of work/life imbalances is your need to have everything done, two days ago. This juggling routine can become more intense depending on economics, career stage and/or family status. The underemployed suffer from imbalance due to economics while mid- and upper level executives tend to suffer as a result of their career stage.

When you are out of balance, your body can tell! Over time this can really have a negative impact on your personal and professional life. Relationships with family and friends are the first to suffer. Depending upon the person, either health or work begins to decline. There is a decrease in productivity and increase in mistakes which lead to decreased success on the job and a lot more stress.

Insomnia, memory loss, hair loss, skin changes and depression are only a few symptoms of burnout. Stimulants such as caffeine and energy drinks only magnify burnout symptoms causing a vicious cycle. And so many of us are guilty of using coffee as a crutch to get us threw that 3 o’clock hour.

It is so important to achieve and maintain and work/life balance .Working longer hours to make more money will never solve the problems of a work/life imbalance. Making deliberate choices and instilling better habits to effectively juggle it all will. Not checking emails at night and on weekends, making and keeping plans with family and friends, and exercising are all ways to help create balance. Remember, work smarter not longer!

When we are balanced, everything in our life is balanced! When stress is managed, a more positive mood occurs which has been proven to help protect physical and mental health. A happy, relaxed you equals more positive and productive times around the people you care about. There will be ups and downs, but there is room for others to join you on the ride.

Not sure yet? Check out Nigel Marsh’s wake up call in this video!


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