
This is Part 2 of a three part series on Planning for Success!   The topic for today is how to avoid distractions during your work day.  You have already created your weekly and daily plan.  Organization allows you the opportunity to become successful, but not if you allow distractions or interruptions to destroy your time lines.

One contribution of modern technology that has become the source of almost uncontrollable distraction is emails.  Emails can be sent to your work computer(s), home computers, tablets, and phones.  Instead of utilizing telephones work and personal contacts utilize emails.  It can become a constant barrage of messages.  Just as it was not necessary to answer every telephone call instantly, the same applies to emails.  They should sit in your inbox until you are ready to deal with them.  Your daily plan should indicate times that you look at and respond to your emails.  A possible strategy is to check on emails upon arriving at work in the morning, review prior lunch, and again about one hour prior leaving work.  Try not to keep your inbox open all day.

There is no such concept as multitasking.  What happens is that people attempt to spread their time and attention to different tasks at the same time.  What actually happens is the unproductive utilization of time and energy in many directions instead of maintaining focus to complete one task at a time.  Quality control demands attention to detail.  Information processing and retention is more easily attained by focusing on one task at a time.

Planning does not allow for procrastination.  When writing your weekly and daily plans, be aware of your own desire to avoid unpleasant or complicated tasks.  A study by JP Pawliw and Hendrie Weisinger indicated that 67% of people work well under pressure.  Plan not to wait until the last minute hoping that the pressure will ensure successful completion.  Instead break down a larger task into smaller components and plan accordingly.  Your productivity will increase and probably the quality of your work.

Maintaining a productive physical environment is essential.  Organize your work space so that your work tools are easily accessible and convenient.  This includes the proper positioning of your computer screen and telephone.  If you work in a cubicle, the use of earphones can assist in noise reduction.  Remember to spend a few moments before you leaving work cleaning and rearranging your work area.  It is very positive to start your next day with a clean and tidy work area.



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