


The first seven seconds of the interview will determine the impression of you that will last the entire interview.  It is important to have a smile and a relaxed but focused attitude.  Use relaxation techniques prior to the interview and learn breathing techniques to use even during the interview.


When responding to the interviewer’s questions, be genuine and honest, but focus on the positives in yourself and your experiences.  Use your current or former employer as a stepping stone to expanding your vocational goals.  Do not speak negatively of your prior supervisors or co-workers.  You need to reinforce your ability to work with team members at any level.  It is almost impossible to anticipate all of the questions, so just relax and enjoy the challenge of meeting new people and answering interesting questions.


An inappropriate question or rude interviewer is rare, but can occur.  Use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your professional ability to remain calm and focused.  Humor can be used to defuse the situation and possibly use a complement to reverse the flow of the conversation.  If necessary, politely refuse to answer the question, but avoid further confrontation about the question or the circumstances of the interview.


It is important to answer the interviewer’s questions, but even more important to have questions that you would like to ask.   Asking questions allows you to demonstrate your genuine interest in the company and the possible job position.  You can often overcome what might have been a poor response to a former question by pursing the same topic, but advancing the opportunity to discuss it further.


Suggested questions to ask during or at the end of the interview:


  • How will my performance be evaluated?
  • What are the biggest challenges of this position?
  • Where is the position going in the next 3-5 years?
  • Is there anything that makes you doubt my fit for the position?
  • How long will the hiring process take and what is the next step?
  • Are there any other questions about me or about my past history that you would like to ask?


You have been given tips on interviewing skills, answering questions, and asking questions.  This should allow you to become more relaxed and confident during the interview.




Suggested Resources:


How to Handle Rude Questions in a Job Interview ––job-interview#WT.mc_n=yta_fpt_article_rude_interview


The Top 10 Interview Questions Job Seekers MUST Ask – Excerpt from Get The Job You Want, Even When No One’s Hiring by Ford R. Myers







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