
Last week we posted some smart ideas for better face to face communication at work. This week’s ideas are about communicating in writing. The ideas below will help you to communicate clearly and professionally at work.

Be Flexible – People’s communication styles differ. While some would rather pick up the phone and talk, others prefer using email, text, or some other written method. Try to be flexible with your style and have the ability to communicate clearly in a variety of ways.

Consider your Tone – Especially using email and social media, it can be hard to determine the tone of a message. What looks like a joke to you may cause an unintended reaction from the recipient. Make sure your language is clear and, if you’re angry, cool down before you type.

Check your Grammar – Proofread all written communication before you hit the “Send” button. Use spellcheck or ask a colleague to help you if needed. The essence of clear written communication starts and ends with spelling and grammar.

And, as always, practice. There are always opportunities to improve your written communication skills, not only for your own benefit, but to improve the productivity and atmosphere of your workplace.


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