
If you spend most of your day at a desk, chances are you aren’t as active as you’d like to be. In addition to not being good for your health, being sedentary for 8 hours can do a number on your energy and productivity. Below are 5 tips to keep you energized throughout the day…. Read more »


The American work culture tends to favor extroverts (people who get energy through interacting with others). We encourage teamwork and constant communication. Even our work environments can be a tough place for more introverted employees (those who gain energy through reflecting) with open floor plans and lots of interaction. If you are a more introverted… Read more »


Successful people tend to see things differently. Where others see obstacles, they see challenges to meet and overcome. Their confidence comes from letting go of negativity and focusing their attention on their own actions and attitude. Below are five challenges that successful people overcome. Negativity-Your day may not always be great but you have the… Read more »


In our age of technology and constant busy-ness, it’s easy to become distracted and unfocused. We slog through our days just happy to put one foot in front of the other and get through the to-do list. We may take a work break but, instead of relaxing, we’re apt to check the news or our… Read more »