
We all know the feeling when Friday comes around and we feel as if we do not have a single ounce of energy left. Here are some really helpful tips that make a big difference!

With the start of each new week make sure that you have healthy snacks at your desk. Some great snacks that pack the energy are nuts, fitness bars and fruit. Each day take about a 10 minute break to eat a snack and drink a glass of water. You will feel refreshed and ready to focus again.

Make sure to take breaks! This is so important and can easily slip through the cracks especially if your work day is so busy. Getting out of your seat, stretching and walking around for as little as 10 minutes a day, each day will make a huge difference. Plus, it is not good for you to sit for 8 hours straight! And when you take your breaks, for the best results make sure you unplug from your work and really step away for 10 minutes.

Answer your emails! Sometimes we have to spend a good 30 minutes at the beginning of the day catching up on emails. It is so easy to push this off and wait but getting it done and staying on top of them is so much better than having hours’ worth of emails at the end of the day. That is time consuming and stressful and who wants that?

Lastly, create a goal list for you week. Whether you split it up daily or just weekly this can be a lifesaver! Having a list of things you need to get done and want to get done will help you stay on track. Thus, you will waste less time and your energy level will not be down at the end of the day.

These are just a few simple tricks to help create a better, more energized you! Have a wonderful weekend and try to stay dry today!

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