
This is Part 1 of a three part series on management/colleague relationships.  It is important in a work situation to foster new relationships and nurture your existing good relationships with management and colleagues.  Since so much time is spent in work situations, it is imperative to treat these individuals with the same respect and effort as expended in personal relationships.

Start by examining errors that can occur in work situations and attempt to rectify the errors as soon as possible.   There are five common errors that occur.  They are:

  • Not Building Meaningful Relationships: Interactions with management and colleagues should be based on shared personal experiences.  These interactions should be used to nurture your relationships and not just be used to further your own personal advancement agenda.


  • Dividing Staff into Hierarchical Categories: It is a mistake to assume that the job position indicates the amount of time or energy that should be expended in order to establish a relationship with the person occupying that position.  It is true that it takes a team effort for an organization to become successful.  This includes everyone from professional to non-professional participants.


  • Maintaining a Negative Attitude: Attempt to build relationships based on positive interactions.  Make lemonade when given lemons!  You will be seen as a leader and role model if you re-interpret negative situations into a positive alternative.


  • Losing Appropriate Boundaries: It is professional to maintain appropriate boundaries in terms of discussion of work and personal issues.  Often in order to establish a relationship, issues are discussed that do not belong in a work situation.  If a boundary has been crossed, attempt to re-establish it as soon as possible and avoid hurt feelings as much as possible.


  • Being Greedy: Do not become a taker in relationships.  Eventually it will become obvious that you take more than you give and this will initiate hostility which can destroy any relationship.


Enjoy your work situation with the many personalities that exist there!


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