
Last week we posted some smart ideas for better face to face communication at work. This week’s ideas are about communicating in writing. The ideas below will help you to communicate clearly and professionally at work. Be Flexible – People’s communication styles differ. While some would rather pick up the phone and talk, others prefer… Read more »


Communicating effectively at work is essential to workplace harmony and productivity, whether you’re communicating in person, sending email, or using social media. Below are some smart ideas when communicating face to face.   Listen: Really listen. Instead of interrupting, preparing your response, or assuming what a co-worker will say, give the speaker your full, undivided… Read more »


Why is it that some of us are able to achieve more during the day, while others are busy but not nearly as productive? Good time management skills are the answer. Productive people manage their time well, even under tight deadlines and high pressure. They prioritize their work, plan their day, and focus on the task at… Read more »


The first step to being more confident is to remember that the interview is a conversation between two professionals. Approaching the interview as an opportunity to see if the position and organization are a good match for you, instead of the reverse, can allow your confident self to shine through. You are a qualified individual… Read more »


There are periods in your career where work can be very stressful. Unfortunately, many of us take that work stress home with us making our home life unhealthy not only for ourselves but for our family. Work place stress is something that most of us will experience, and here are a few ways that you… Read more »


Great leaders all have similar characteristics. They are not afraid to reach out to others for advice, they understand they can’t know everything, and they understand that one of the best ways to learn is from the experiences of others. To start, her are 3 leadership tips that top experts believe will help you grow… Read more »


 We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”- Aristotle They talk to themselves—Successful people have the same negative self talk creep into their day as everyone else. However, the difference is that successful people reprogram their thinking and turn the negative self talk into positive self talk. The… Read more »


Over the last several years, the typical office environment has become much more relaxed. However, there are still some basic rules of office etiquette that we should keep in mind. The first one we will focus on today is cell phone and tablet etiquette. For years we have been programmed to believe the myth that multitasking makes… Read more »